Федеральная служба по ветеринарному и фитосанитарному надзору (Россельхознадзор)
To Suppliers

To Suppliers

Summarized data on all FGBI “ARRIAH” orders including supply orders, work orders and service orders for the Institution use and federal use are posted on the All-Russian official site: http://zakupki.gov.ru.

To search an order of interest, please, do the following:

Notice: an application for electronic open tender is submitted through the OAO “Common electronic trading site”: http://etp.roseltorg.ru. The following is required for the application submission:

NOTE: actions taken according to this algorithm provide access to the orders including those under unstable site operation in case of the site overrun and modernization. If you did not take the advantage of the algorithm, please, follow the instructions on use given at the following sites: http://zakupki.gov.ru  or http://etp.roseltorg.ru.